Wood Furniture Homehyme

Selection of Furniture and Its Types – A Brief Guide

Furniture can be a product of design and is considered a form of decorative art. In addition to furniture’s functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose Wall coverings maybe purely…

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Protect Wood Surfaces Homehyme

How You can Protect Wood Surfaces – All You Need To Know

There are two types of wood in use hard wood & soft wood. Hard wood: It is strong and is used for Hardwood, being harder and heavier, tends to be sturdier and longer-lasting….

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Drawing Equipment and Instruments Homehyme

Drawing Equipment and Instruments Used in Garden Landscape Designing

The mode of communication through sketches is called graphic language and the graphical representation of an object is called drawing. To develop a garden, both the shapes and sizes must be known before…

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Planning Rooftop Garden Homehyme

A Guide To Planning Your Rooftop Garden

Rooftops are one of our cities’ greatest untapped resources. They account for hundreds of acres of empty, under-utilized space, contributing to problems like the “heat island effect” and increased storm-water run-off. But rooftops…

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Flower Arrangement Homehyme

Essential Flower Arranging Ingredients You Need To Know

Flower arrangement is a design of beauty. It is essentially a decorative piece and should be the centre of attraction. An arrangement can be composed of only flowers and or foliage or in…

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Flower care homehyme

Care and Conditioning of Flowers – A Brief Guide

A flower or leaf cut from a plant has a short, though beautiful, life. It is possible to prolong this for a little while by a few methods. Also Read: Formal and Informal…

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Rooftop Gardening Layout Homehyme

A Brief Guide To Roof Gardening Layout

In many articles the gardening on the roof is often termed as terrace gardening which is not strictly correct according to British practice. Terrace gardening is completely different from roof gardening. In modern…

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Formal and Informal Style Gardens Homehyme

Formal and Informal Styles of Gardens

Before someone starts to venture into designing a garden it will be wise to get an idea about the major gardening styles of the world. This will open up a window to this…

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Building Parts Homehyme

10 Basic Building Parts You Need To Know

A building provides shelter against natural elements such as rain, sunshine and wind. It also provides security and privacy. A building consists of the following basic parts: 1. Foundation A foundation is necessary…

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Cutting Tailoring Terms Homehyme

Important Terms Related to Cutting and Tailoring

Keeping in mind the emerging consciousness of changing fashion trends, this article has introduced some useful important terms related to cutting and tailoring who have an interest in sewing not only as an…

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Basic Rules Stitching Homehyme

30 Basic Rules of Stitching You Need To Know

Before you have complete knowledge of running a sewing machine, it is advisable not to attempt running a sewing machine. Before threading a needle, before lowering the pressure foot, learn the correct way…

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Benefits Solar Energy Homehyme

9 Amazing Benefits of Solar Energy

In today’s climate of growing energy needs and increasing environmental concern, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative is solar energy. Solar energy…

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