Various Methods of Using Essential Oils – A Brief Guide

Essential Oil Methods Homehyme

To influence moods and psychological states, all that is necessary is to breathe in the diffused oils. How we respond to various oils will be partly dependent on individual taste and memories.

If we associate lavender with an older aunt we loved, we may have a more positive association to that oil than someone with a different memory. The oils themselves have specific chemical properties, giving them the ability to calm, excite, or balance. An oil like lavender, although relaxing in small quantities, can stimulate at a higher dose.


To get the oils into the air a diffuser becomes invaluable. A good “air pump type” diffuser will break up the molecules of the oils, making them accessible while you breathe. We do not recommend putting oils on light bulb rings, as the heat will destroy many of the fragile, healing compounds in the oils.


Many people have the urge to put essential oils into their humidifiers. Theoretically, this makes sense, because it seems like a good way to get the oils into the air. However, oils destroy many types of plastic.

If your humidifier is made from plastic, and does not have a special compartment for oils, do not use them in this machine.


Burner type diffusers are pretty and relatively inexpensive. Ensure you choose one that has adequate space between where you place the candle, and where the oil is placed. This prevents the oil from becoming toasted. Burner type diffusers are pretty, but do not utilize oil as effectively as an air pump style.

Another way to use essential oils, is to drop them into a spray glass bottle of 97-90% water, 1% natural emulsifier (a medium that binds the water and oil) and 3%-10% essential oil. The reason for such a range in strength is due to the purpose of the oil. If I were to use the oil in a bathroom, or less sanitary setting, I would opt for a higher ratio of oil. Remember to shake the bottle well before using.

This is important, as oils will often float to the top of a bottle and be used all up, in one spray.

Do not spray the mix at any one, as the oils may be irritating to skin. Do not spray too close to your walls either, or you may notice an oil build up on them over time. Good essential oils to create a spray from are: orange to balance, or spearmint to invigorate. Any single oil or mixture can be used. Determine your preferences, the purpose of the oil and of course the cost, when making your choice.

Also use essential oils to clean your home. They make a less toxic, enjoyable alternative, to commercial products. You can do something simple, like drop a few drops of a disinfecting oil, such as orange, lemon or eucalyptus into your kitchen sink and wipe your cupboards, and appliances. Adding essential oils into spray bottles to clean the bathroom and other areas is also desirable. Add 10% essential oil to 90% water. Eucalyptus, orange, lemon, pine and tea tree all make effective spray cleaners.

Essential oils also make great beauty products- for hair, skin and bath. There are a vast array of products you can make with essential oils- for facials- steams, scrubs and masks. You can make your own face and body lotions, creams and lip balms. (Scents of Wonder, Aromatic Pleasures,, book will give you more specific ideas and recipes for using essential oils in this way.


Put a few drops of lavender, neroli, roman chamomile or lemongrass essential oil onto your pillow to help soothe your overworked or ruffled psyche. If you do not like the idea of oils being in direct contact with your pillow, use a Kleenex or cotton ball as the receptacle and place that inside your pillow cover. Alternatively, you may drop the oils in water, in a glass spray bottle and spray around your sleeping area.

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